Training on Processing Goat and Cattle Manure Waste Into Biogas for Kelompok Ternak Milenial

Hendro Sukoco(1), Muhammad Irfan(2), Irma Susanti S(3), Agustina Agustina(4), Eni Susanti(5), Ja'far Ja'far(6),

(1) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(2) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(3) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(4) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
(5) Universitas Sulawesi Barat
Corresponding Author


Majene is one of the districts in West Sulawesi Province that holds the potential for the development of cattle and goat farming. This is due to the fact that Majene District has a fairly extensive area of 1,713 hectares and a suitable natural environment for the breeding of cattle and goats. One of the areas with the largest population of goats and cattle in Majene District is in Pamboang Sub-district. The majority of the community in Pamboang Sub-district work as livestock farmers and are members of the Millennial Livestock Group community. Based on the results of interviews conducted with the Chairperson of the Millennial Livestock Group and local residents, it was found that there is a lack of knowledge among farmers in Pamboang Sub-district regarding the proper management of accumulated waste from goat and cattle farming. Additionally, the community has expressed concerns about the scarcity of LPG gas in recent months and its increasing price. This activity took place in Tinambung Village, Pamboang Sub-district, Majene on August 19, 2023, and was attended by 25 farmers who are members of the Millennial Livestock Group community. The purpose of the activity was to address the main issues faced by the partners by enhancing their knowledge and technical skills. The approach method proposed to support the program's implementation consists of three methods: participatory counseling, training and guidance, and mentoring. Based on the socialization, pre-test, and post-test activities, it can be concluded that the farmers who are part of the Millennial Livestock Group community in Pamboang Sub-district have understood the material presented by the speakers regarding the conversion of goat and cattle waste into biogas. Furthermore, this activity received positive responses and progressed according to the set objectives.


Biogas, Millennial Livestock Group, Cattle, Goats


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DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i1.1113


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